Assignment Overview

MAT 101: Assignment Overview 

For these assignments, you will applying the basic Boolean operators studied in class and ( /\ ), or (\/) and not (~) to database searches.  The goal here is to connect how the Boolean operators studied in the course coincide, differ and behave in relation to the Boolean operators of a database.

A team of two students will be assigned a particular database for the semester.  The teams will them be given tasks in the form of assignments that will be performed on that database and write up thier results, discoveries and instructions based on the particular assignment.  The team will write a short synopsis (typically a paragraph or two) on what was found.  The teams’ results will then be entered as a post on this blog site under the appropriate category.  Then, each team member using their own sample search will then perform a search on the database.  The individual will then comment (using the comment feature of the blog) the results of their search.  If you would like a suggestion for a sample search (query) to help you, you can contact Prof. Spiegelman ( or Prof. Glass ( for an idea or suggestion.  We strongly encourage you to come up with your own sample search / query based on the content of your database..

Take note,  it is not so much what you find but rather how many items (hits) you find and how these numbers change when you alter you search strategies / compound statements.

The particular assignments / tasks can be found on the right hand sign of the page as RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds.  Throughout the rest of the semester additional assignments will appear.

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